The big bad ego myth
When worried about the fact you have ego-based thoughts and that perhaps you are not spiritual enough, remember;” It takes a very big shadow to hide a great light”.
What if the ego is not bad or an enemy to be battled? If, as the course states in the introduction, “only love exists”, difficult as it might be to believe, that does include our ego and all its fearful thoughts. In our view, the ego is simply something we made up to protect us from pain, to help us find love and a sense of safety in what often feels like an unsafe world. The more we attach ourselves to fear based thinking, the more the ego plays a role in our lives.
When we see our ego thoughts as another call for love then we can answer with love. We can be kind to ourselves and be curious about what fear is underlying our ego attack thoughts, what is needed and how can we then give this to ourselves?
If we try to get rid of the ego or the thoughts associated with fear, it only gets bigger.
Cure for ego fear: Self-love Here is a prayer we found recently written by a 15 th century nun:
“Lord help me to remember the Truth about myself – no matter how beautiful!”
And here is another from the Urtext:
It is my duty to establish beyond doubt that I be unwilling to side with anyone’s misperception about me – including my own! The Urtext.