ONLINE Group: ‘Walking the Talk’: Living A Course in Miracles

With Paul and Jane, bi-weekly Tuesday study group. Check the agenda for dates.

Applying the spiritual principles of A Course In Miracles to your own life

In this bi-weekly ACIM  group, you will get an intimate, experiential look at what your personal blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence really are. Together, we will discover how we all manifest and maintain these blocks. And we will discover what, specifically, we think happened that prompted us to create them in the first place.

For whom?

This group is open to anyone with an interest in applying A Course in Miracles principles to any aspect of their lives. No previous knowledge or experience required.

We will connect through Zoom video conference calls.

ONLINE training: ‘Living a life that matters’

Level 1 is an inner quest that focuses on the dynamics that created each of us as unique human beings, the qualities and the limiting beliefs that can keep us stuck. It is a personal development course that explores the role of transpersonal psychology in providing meaning and purpose to life. It can be taken as a “stand-alone” program or serve as the prerequisite for professional coach training (level2),based on the belief that to be an effective coach, an understanding of self and the challenges of change are essential.

This program is intended for people who:

  • Want to make a difference
  • Have a sense they are supposed to be doing something ‘bigger’
  • Understand everyone desires to live a life that has meaning
  • Are committed to their own and others’ personal growth
  • Have an awareness of the importance of the role of spirituality in living a purposeful life.
  • Transpersonal Coaching encourages us to go beyond our “stories” and self-created dramas by opening up to our inner wisdom and knowledge that all things are perfectly designed to help us live lives of purpose and meaning.

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ICU School for Transpersonal Growth and Coaching offers intensive, experiential weekend workshops and retreats in The Netherlands, the UK and Canada around emotional healing, relationships, intimacy, spirituality, money and life purpose.

We use a wide range of methods from humanistic and transpersonal psychology, including Gestalt, NLP, bodywork and breathwork, energy constellations and The Work of Byron Katie.

The main inspiration for all of our work are the spiritual principles of A Course In Miracles.

For an overview of current workshops and events, have a look at our Agenda.