Certified coach training

Online Training ‘Living a life that matters’

Online Training ‘Living a life that matters’

Program level 1

The program consists of a combination of 3 webinars per month, lasting approximately 2.5 hours for 8 months.

Participants will be expected to join a virtual support group once per month.

Webinars are a combination of presentation, discussion and practical exercises. We mean to keep the webinars lively and engaging.

Throughout we will be working on 3 essential themes of becoming a spiritual adult:

  • Waking Up
  • Growing Up
  • Showing Up

Level 1 can be taken simply for personal growth or as the prerequisite to completing professional certification with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Module 1: From fear to love

  • Everything happens for me, not to me. This is a shift from victim thinking to taking full responsibility for all our experiences.
  • Love versus fear: the basic principles of A Course In Miracles
  • The ego (Edging God Out) who we seem to be, versus our True Self, which is what we are
  • The role of true forgiveness
  • Techniques for practicing forgiveness

Module 2: Waking up – how we keep our craziness going

  • Family systems theory
  • Differentiation of self – what is the authentic you?
  • Being whole – Reclaiming the disowned parts of yourself
  • Developmental theory
  • Anxiety binders: you cannot be in love and in control at the same time
  • What are your generational themes and needs for healing?

Module 3: Putting it all together


  • Presenting a 3-generations genogram of your family and receiving feedback
  • Creating a vision for your life: What do I stand for in the world?


  • Owning a copy of A Course in Miracles
  • Selected reading from Family Ties that Bind, by Ronald Richardson and Extraordinary Relationships, by Roberta Gilbert
  • Writing a 20-page autobiography
  • Researching and presenting a 3 generational family genogram

Cost Level 1: 1500.- euro

10% downpayment before start and payment plans available.

Are you interested in taking part in the next edition of our Online Training Living a life that matters starting? Please use our Contact form.

Online ‘Living a life that matters’ level 2, with option to qualify as a certified coach ICF ACC (Associate Certified Coach)

Finding purpose and passion

Finding purpose and passion

Level 2 consists of a series of 20 (3 hour) webinars

Learning goals

  • To engage in furthering your own personal development journey
  • To identify your own unique style and purpose in working with others
  • To become authentic and grounded in your spiritual identity, serving as a role model of a mature and conscious spiritual adult


  • What is Transpersonal work?
  • Setting an intention
  • What is a real goal?
  • “Everything happens for me not to me” Using “obstacles” as steppingstones
  • What is true support? Supporting self and others on the inward journey.
  • Being 100% present to self and others
  • Active and effective listening and skills
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Going deeper into transpersonal work: working with the dark night of the soul
  • A philosophical foundation: A Course in Miracles: Psychotherapy, Purpose, Practice and Process
  • Understanding the role of forgiveness in healing
  • 4 powerful forgiveness techniques to practice
  • Exploring the effect of humanistic psychology on transpersonal work
  • Working with energy
  • Helping others discover core qualities and learning to shine
  • Body/mind connection
  • Claiming your purpose and passion

Cost: 2000.- euro

10% downpayment before start and payment plans avaiable.

Instructors: Jane Tipping MADEd MCC Paul Goudsmit PCC

Register: Please use our Contact form.

Optional coach certification

Certification as an Associate Certified Coach

Upon completion of the classes described for TPC 2, there is an option to continue to certification as an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation.

This component of training will consist of 6 webinars and practice, practice, practice in between webinars. It is designed to provide knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate professional competencies as laid out by the International Coaching Federation and will prepare you with theory, practice, and confidence. You will leave the program with clarity on why you want to coach, on what will make you a good coach, an understanding of your challenges and confidence that you can do it!

Webinars will be taped and serve as a reference. All webinars will be a balance between short theory presentations and exercises to try out your developing skills. Plenty of time will be dedicated to questions as they arise and as you gain more experience with your practice clients. 10 hours of mentoring is also included in the programming.

Learning goals

  • To integrate the personal learning insights acquired in TPC levels 1 and 2 and apply them in working with others
  • To become knowledgeable and proficient in the internationally accepted coaching competencies required of a coaching professional

More information

Introduction to coaching: Webinar 1 

  • What does it mean to be a coach?
  • Why do you want to be a coach?
  • What are the unique qualities you bring to coaching?
  • The difference between therapy, consulting, mentoring and coaching ICF competencies
  • What competencies are needed to be an accredited coach?

Creating a coaching toolbox: webinar 2

  • Ethics and integrity
  • Establishing a coaching agreement
  • Preparing to coach
  • Setting up intake interviews
  • Setting goals

Coaching toolbox webinars 3 and 4

  • What is the structure needed to conduct a “coaching conversation?”
  • Establishing coaching agreement – session by session
  • Powerful questions
  • Coaching the whole person, not just the issue
  • Reflective inquiry – helping your clients discover for themselves
  • Concluding the session
  • Ending the coaching relationship

Coaching toolbox Webinar 5

  • Finding your coaching niche
  • Overcoming challenges to “being out there”
  • Preparing for business

Review and preparation for ICF qualification exam Module 6

  • Attendance 85% of webinars.
  • Assigned readings and exercises between webinars.
  • Participants are expected to continue their own personal and transpersonal development through reading and discussion of experience and insight.

Cost: 1400.- euro10% downpayment before start and payment plans avaiableInstructors: Jane Tipping MADEd MCC  Paul Goudsmit PCC