Stepping Up

Stepping Up summer retreat

We all yearn to be authentic; to tell the truth, speak from the heart and take our place in the world being as powerful and magnificent as we really are. In a safe and non threatening environment, ‘Stepping  Up’ invites you to look at all the areas in your life where you are living authentically and where you are living fearfully. Through a combination of deepening understanding of the teachings of a ACIM and experiential exercises, you will be guided and encouraged to find the uniqueness and passion of what you are. When we remember the “what we are” instead of the “who”, fear disappears and we are empowered to take action and live the lives we yearn for.

Your ‘special function’

‘Your special function’ is what truly inspires you and makes you authentic. It’s the unique reason that you are here. The first week of this retreat, in order to remember our function, we learn to let go of our masks and fears. We find that who we are is subordinate to what we are. When we remember what we are, our fear to live life full-out melts away.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

– Marianne Williamson 

Love is calling us to action

In these current times, personal and spiritual growth are definitely important and no longer enough. The world is begging for love based action.

The second week of Stepping Up focuses on what ‘love taking action’ means and the practical contributions you can make in supporting positive and needed changes so that we, our children and our children’s children live meaningful and healthy lives.

Stepping Up is also designed to be relaxing and enjoyable. We will work in the mornings for half a day, take the afternoon off to do nothing, to swim, hike, sight see and then get back in the evenings to share thoughts about the day’s events.


Chateau de la Motte Henry, Le Mans, Frankrijk (250 km West of Paris)